Dream Builders

Custom is our middle name. If you dream it, we'll build it.

Factory Direct

We keep our prices low by selling to you at the same price we would sell to a dealer.

Employee Owned

It's our business to care about your satisfaction! We put our hearts into every coach.

A Luxurious Adventure

We cut no corners here. Luxury is built-in standard. And is surprisingly affordable!

Raising the Standard

With decades in the industry, we looked at each standard, and made improvements across the board.

Let's Build Your Dream Together

Call us today to get started!


How can we help?

Feel free to ask a question or simply leave a comment



Office: 574-215-5393

Parts/Service: 574-238-6909

Sales: 574-220-1830

Ready to find out more?

Give Earl a call and start building your dream today!